New Mexico teachers fear they can’t go back to work

This is the story of Mary and her husband, two teachers living in New Mexico. Their story was included in Child Care in Crisis: Stories from the Field.

I’m a teacher, as is my husband. I will be 9 months pregnant if/when we start back to school as planned. Our daughter will be roughly 3 months old when I have to return to school. If I can return to school…no pediatrician I have spoken to recommends her going to child care until she’s at least a year old. But we can’t afford a private sitter… But can we make ends meet on just one teacher’s salary? No. Of course, we’re both also worried about bringing COVID-19 home to our new baby. Even when a teacher has to be out normally getting a sub is hard. And most of them fall into the high-risk age range anyway. Quite often we teachers end up subbing for each other during our prep periods…is this supposed to continue? Seems like no one has thoroughly thought this through. This is terrifying.